Monday, April 27, 2009


We live just south of the poisonous snakes ! We used to live near the convicts and plan to explore the deranged gunmen area....maybe next year.
I suspect someone dreamed up the above in the hopes that our population level will not rise too quickly....especially where we are. Queensland is the fastest growing state in Australia. The population hugs the coast as there really is red desert.....more red desert and even MORE red desert. Hardly any water, but very spectacular scenery, best viewed from above from what I have heard. At some point in time we want to fly in a helicopter over parts of Central Australia, as many of the rock formations look pretty specky.

We both went to our local doctor to get results of the usual tests. Everything fine....just the usual.....maybe think about losing a bit of weight.... HA HA.....I do more than think....but what happens ?????? NOT MUCH.
Oh well....that's just the way it is !!! Perry to have a couple of skin lesions looked at is a not very aggressive cancer and the other is probably another one of those things that will be burned off at a later date. These are the things one gets from not protecting young skin !

Barbara and Ray are enjoying a short break up at Noosa....about 100k's (60 miles) north of us. Might get to see them later in the week ! Hope so.

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