Friday, August 28, 2009

Silverton Hotel.....WAY outback !

We have many old, and to my eye.... beautiful hotels......this is one of them. What a great picture !
I haven't visited this area of Australia and am told by many that I should . Many years ago I visited friends who had moved from the U.S. to a town called Narromine which was on the edge of nowhere....enough for least by road. Flying low in a small plane or better still a helicopter is how I would like to view some of the very different places in the interior of Australia that I'm told are fantastic. The 'Bucket List' is quite long ! Bank balance is ....don't ask !!!!! We always end up going way over our budget when we take a trip somewhere.
The weather has cooled down.....going right back up tomorrow.
I played bowls yesterday as a fill in for a guy who couldn't make it to play with two other men who make up a self select threesome. A different experience....the 'skip' or captain of this team was a pain in the butt !
I'm past putting up with people who act as tho a competitive game at the amature level is a life or death deal. My manners remained intact, but this particular person did get the picture after awhile ! Tomorrow I play again as part of a 'club select' threesome team. Much more laid back.
Perry has the cast taken off his foot next Wednesday. So far he hasn't had any pain with it.
He gets around very well in the house, but uses a crutch when we are out and about. Not much longer!
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A happy thought !

What's with the weather ! Yesterday was the hottest August day since 1946....then last night was the hottest August night ever recorded here. IT'S WINTER !!!!!!! 35c during the day 20c overnight.
Today has been a beautiful warm day, but the heat is expected again over the coming weekend. Victoria has been the opposite.....cold wet and windy....fresh snow on the Alps. Spring starts September 1.....summer... December 1.
Things are pretty much back to normal after our six weeks in S.D. Enjoying bowling and catching up with friends. Pam, Rachel and a friend will be with us for a week September 22-29...can't wait to see them. We will get to celebrate Perry's 74th birthday together on the 28th. The years are going too quickly for our liking.....but we are making the most of them. Life is good here in this beautiful climate.

Perry has had a minor operation on a toe, that had to be done before he can have his other knee replacement. I told him I think it must be like having a baby....after you have the first one you can't imagine putting yourself through it again.....but something happens to your brain and off you go again !
The knee that will be done sometime in the near future is worse than the first one, but the Baker's cyst that was behind the left knee used to drive him to distraction so he had that one done first. Getting anxious about getting the right one over and done with as he is normally very active and knee pain has been getting in his way for a long time. Thankfully the medication he is on for R.L.S. is still very very good.

Haven't heard from Glen for awhile. That man spreads himself out very thinly.....coaching Christopher's football team again this year. This makes the third year....not sure that Christopher is that INTO football, but Glen is encouraging him to keep at it as it is a great way to keep him physically active.
Television viewing and the Internet etc can easily get out of hand if he isn't encouraged to keep up the outdoor activities.
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Monday, August 10, 2009

For Jeanie

We don't have your email address here are three pics for you taken at J & M's.....if you check this out sometime....please email your newest address. Hope you and Rachel are doing great. Love you x x
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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pearl Lucy Baker

Pearl Lucy Baker arrived June 21 weighing 7lbs. Is that an adorably gorgeous looking newborn or what !
We haven't had a BABY in my family for awhile and the joy she has bought with her is wonderful. A trip down south to see her in person isn't on the radar unfortunately. Hopefully lots of pictures will pop up with emails.
Reports we have had so far say she has gained weight at the expected rate and is a very contented baby. Mum and Dad are starting to get a bit more sleep now that bubby is in her nursery .... of course the house is wired to hear every sound !!!!
Welcome Miss's a great world....I'm sure you will do your bit to help keep it that way.
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Friday, August 7, 2009

Morning of July 4 2009 Singing Hills Resort

Home again after six great weeks. Visited with brother and sister in law in Coleville....where several other members of our family gathered for a wonderful BBQ lunch.....visited Mom and Pop Davis's graves.....played golf at Singing Hills Resort which is now owned by the Sycuan Indian Tribe.....caught up with family again (Nancy, Kelly, Rob and girls at Glen's home...( Nancy treated us to a lovely lunch at Janet's Montana Restaurant).....spent my 70th birthday at the Brigantine restaurant (my favorite and I am now the owner of my very own iPod).....attended a pool party at one of Glen's friends amazing home.....toured the U.S.S. Midway ..... lunched with the 39 year old son of bowling friends from Bribie Island...( Jason has lived in San Diego for 10 years and has a very successful business building and selling refrigerators that are purpose built for the military etc).....played lawn bowls in Balboa Park.....bought lots of loot at Macy's sales.....lunched up at Julian.....spent a wild weekend at Martinez Lake where Glen goes to have fun with the speed boat that he has had for a couple of years.....attended grandson Christopher's 12th birthday at Fudruckers in La Mesa.....had a lovely meal and get together with Glen's girlfriend Catherine's parents at their home high on a hill in La Mesa with views all the way to Point Loma.....had a beautiful Mexican meal at the home of Glen's former wife's mothers home... ( Angie and her partner Jim, live right next door to Glen, Catherine and Christopher, which is lovely for them all. Former wife Carolyn lives about a mile and a half away which makes things fairly simple for sharing the child rearing.)
A great thing about the whole trip was the fact that we had our own "apartment" in Glen's huge 37' double bump out motor home....icing on the cake was the fact that we had full use of a BMW sports model car with sun roof !
However a huge downer for Perry was the fact that his younger brother wasn't able to find enough free time to get together.
It's quite sad really....they haven't seen each other for close on 25 years and realistically....won't see each other again in this life.
Phew....that was quite a post and I don't think I covered everything....but so be it!
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Monday, June 1, 2009

A bit of a chuckle.....

Two more sleeps !!!!!!!!!
Time goes by so slowly....(could this be the start of a song?).....
Last minute stuff all over the house. Getting the fridge stuff finished off makes for strange meal combos. Curried leftover lamb over rice tonight. I think tomorrow night may be hot dogs.....why am I rambling on like I hyper ?????? YES YES YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A new handbag

I haven't taken a picture of it YET....don't you just LOVE a new handbag ?
I can take months to find just the right one. Sunday was the day !!!!! I see what I want in magazines and wouldn't you know it...the very one you LOVE costs an outrageous you keep looking every time you go to the mall.....then the right one just pops out at you.....YES !
It's just the right size....bigger than last years.....not too big tho... ( I am easily swamped at 5'3".)
black....part mock croc and part fake leather.....plenty of zips and nooks and crannies that are carefully designed to suit ME. Fake leather is so good these days....very soft and smooth.
I'm not giving it a trial run....just going to pile everything into it the day we fly out !
Two weeks from tomorrow.
We are flying Virgin....VAustralia and apparently we are going to be treated like rock stars ! An upgrade to a seat that turns into a bed would really do it.....not a chance....but Perry says he is going to ask. You don't don't get...right? Thirteen hours, nailed to the seat for at least eleven of those hours doesn't quite sound like rock star treatment to me. A glass of wine and a sleeping pill with dinner will hopefully send me to sleep for a few hours. Perry can fall asleep on a barbed wire fence....I seem to have to be lying down.....or is that laying down ?
Anyway....we will make it. New handbag and all.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Yes...I am a VERY BIG DOG....wanna make something out of it ?

Have you ever seen anything like this DOG ????? Glad I don't have to clean up after this guy !!! Or buy the food !!!

To Blog or not to Blog.....That is the question.... hmm.....let's see.....
The weather has cooled down. Summer sort of suddenly switches off up here. Doesn't get cold......just feels a lot more mellow, and it stays this way for months and months and MONTHS. LOVE IT !!!!!
We fly out to visit family in less than four weeks. Staying for three weeks and now that Perry is coming too we wish we had planned more carefully and could stay for another week or so. We checked out extending the trip, but the extra cost mounted up to where we thought we will just leave it as it is....will just have to pack in as much as possible....or change plans when we get there if necessary. We arrive around lunch time on Wednesday the to the river for the first weekend....that is pretty much locked in. I want to visit Christopher's school...hopefully meet his him at football practise. (Glen says he is was Glen... I used to watch him play and pray he would finish the game in one piece.) Do some grandmother stuff.....get to know Catherine... who sounds like a lovely lady and maybe get to play a game of bowls at Balboa Park.... Perry played there a few times six years ago.....
The second weekend we can hopefully sort out how to visit Mike, Gayle and as many nieces, nephews and children as possible....then Nancy and family....keep on going to Coleville and visit Jack and Margaret for a couple of days and be back at Glen's around Thursday.
With both of us visiting....Glen wondered if we might prefer to use his motor-home as our mini apartment instead of one of the bedrooms. We agreed that it would be really good ! He will park it up close to the side of his home and hook it up to water and power....that way we will all have privacy!

Airfares are really very reasonable at present....$2400 to L.A., but another $600 to fly down and back to S.D.... rather ridiculous. It's the extras that add up. We use a limo service to get to the airport and extra $200. Travel insurance, which is an absolute must.....another $600 for the two of us for between 17-24 days. If we change plans, the insurance really jumps, plus another $500 to the airline for altering the itinerary..... Then we will most likely need to rent a car for a week or so. Oh's only money !
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Monday, April 27, 2009


We live just south of the poisonous snakes ! We used to live near the convicts and plan to explore the deranged gunmen area....maybe next year.
I suspect someone dreamed up the above in the hopes that our population level will not rise too quickly....especially where we are. Queensland is the fastest growing state in Australia. The population hugs the coast as there really is red desert.....more red desert and even MORE red desert. Hardly any water, but very spectacular scenery, best viewed from above from what I have heard. At some point in time we want to fly in a helicopter over parts of Central Australia, as many of the rock formations look pretty specky.

We both went to our local doctor to get results of the usual tests. Everything fine....just the usual.....maybe think about losing a bit of weight.... HA HA.....I do more than think....but what happens ?????? NOT MUCH.
Oh well....that's just the way it is !!! Perry to have a couple of skin lesions looked at is a not very aggressive cancer and the other is probably another one of those things that will be burned off at a later date. These are the things one gets from not protecting young skin !

Barbara and Ray are enjoying a short break up at Noosa....about 100k's (60 miles) north of us. Might get to see them later in the week ! Hope so.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's O.K. mom....he's cool....

No news.....just finished dinner....and I'm no longer hungry....just have a craving for something sweet. Drat.
I found a truffle recipe from Kraft a few days ago....very Christmassy...but NOW would be REALLY good.

Here it is !

Oreo Truffles

1 pkg. (1 lb. 2 oz.) Oreo Cookies, finely crushed, divided
1 pkg. (8 oz.) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened
2 pkg. (8 squares each) Baker's Semi-Sweet Chocolate, melted

MIX 3 cups of the cookie crumbs and the cream cheese until well blended. Shape into 42 (1-inch) balls.

DIP balls in melted chocolate; place on waxed paper-covered baking sheet. Sprinkle with remaining cookie crumbs.

REFRIGERATE 1 hour or until firm. Store any leftover truffles in tightly covered container in refrigerator.

I'm not going to make them....I'm NOT.....
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yes...I think we make a great looking couple...

Just checking my mail....this pic is another one to share....

Checking around for travel insurance. Slim pickings once you get to 70. I slide in .....just !

Spoke with Glen today.....a guest room has already been arranged for us. Catherine's folks are replacing their bedroom set and have offered the old one to her and Glen. Perfect for our visit. Seven weeks today.
He is looking forward to just hanging out with us....sounds good to me ! I haven't had a long chat with Catherine yet...can't wait to meet her. Glen sounds so relaxed and happy. For a big start....Catherine....COOKS...and they both like the same food. That in itself is a huge plus in my books. We don't eat out very much and I am looking forward to just sitting at a dining room table at their home. I'm pretty sure I will have to do at least one dinner. That is very definitely O.K. with me.

Tonight we played night bowls for the first time. What a great evening ! Two greens....about 80 people playing triples. Perry and I played with a guy we hadn't met before and he was a really good bowler....very quiet and serious ....also deadly accurate. We won by one point which makes for an enjoyable game. Next Wednesday night is the last night till October. We will be up for all the night games when the new season begins. The evening seems to include early dinner at the club (Bribie Island) for a lot of people, then a couple of drinks after the game. Very social and lots of fun. Perry has emailed the club in Balboa Park to see if we can play a few games while we are at Glen's house. Perry played there a few times almost six years ago. He had a really nice time. Bowlers are nice people !!!!

No wonder I am's almost midnight. Yawn......
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Monday, April 13, 2009

What ?.... I can handle problem !

Isn't this a CUTE picture !!!

However the rain is NOT!!!!!

I'm OVER it !!!!!!!! Do you hear ??????

Yesterday was lovely.....the Easter BBQ with friends and neighbors....lots of yummy

Pam and Phil called....had a lovely chat with Pam....Phil's was a message as we missed his call.

Perry bought the phone out to me to listen to the message and as usual...Phil sounds like a radio announcer. He has the loveliest mother badly wanted him to go for voice over stuff. Not Phil's scene at all. Anyway....I passed the phone around to the ladies to let them hear for the same point in his message they all smiled and looked skyward....even Mia's 83 year old mother. When he called again today I teased him, telling him that there are six ladies here that definitely want to meet him..... Didn't hear from Glen....I suspect he has gone away for a mini Easter vacation.

Anyway....the day was great.....but today....RAIN RAIN RAIN and more to come. We have already gone past the usual for April and it's only the 13th.

Thankfully I have several books on standby!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Crowds panic as flooding threatens Ireland.

A bit like this at our club today.....we got rained out again.
Tomorrow is supposed to be wetter and our joint venture Easter BBQ could be in jeopardy. I have made the applesauce and have a crab and chili dip ready to put together tomorrow. Have also made the good old standby ... Lime and Cottage Cheese Jello. Looking forward to a feast.
Perry called his brother Jack yesterday, to tell him to expect us sometime between June 10 and June 17....or visit with them for maybe two or three days. Jack sounded very good as did Maggie. She and I had a good newsy catchup. Suzy no longer works at the casino after being there for 26 years ! Sherrie still works there 4 days a week after 25 years. Can't wait to see them again !
We will get to visit with Nancy and her family.......hopefully Gayle and Mike also. Way too many years have gone by since we last visited with them !
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

O.K....all clear....lets go

The weather is cooling down...feels GREAT. This summer has been extremely hot and we notice it more these days because we play lawn bowls probably three times a week. I have too deep of a tan and because I wear the shoes that are worn for the game, my feet are two toned ! Today we were rained out and we were bored bored bored.
Perry's game has gone to pot and mine is going great. He wants to play to improve....I want to play to show off. No game tomorrow of course, but we are playing Saturday then a fun game on Monday....again Tuesday and a night game Wednesday. Obsessed....noooo.....maybe addicted ? Yes.
Sunday we are having an afternoon meal with a bunch of neighbors .... we are doing the apple sauce for BBQ pork chops.
I wonder when we will have an Easter break with family again. We miss everyone, but the other positives are right for us. Can't live your life thru your kids...doesn't mean it is easy tho. When we get together with them, a week makes everything right again. Just wish we could fly back and forth whenever the urge strikes. It has been far too long since I have seen Glen and Chris. I get quite down at times, but am good at jumping back up again.
Oh......I have done half the ironing !
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chess anyone ?

Nothing to prattle on about....(a pile of ironing that I am avoiding)....loved this picture so decided to blog it.
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Monday, April 6, 2009

Guess who's coming with not this little guy.

Great.....Perry is coming with me to the U.S. after all ! I am really, really, really, pleased .

Somehow we will get to visit both his brothers....Jack will be 80 next February...who knows when we will get the chance to visit again. Perry is not thrilled about the long flight (neither am I) however we will get over it.

I have almost completed the online booking process....Brisbane to Los Angeles with VAirline (Virgin) flight...13 hours...pheww. The add on from LA to SD is harder to sort thru as we are dealing in AU$ and the prices are in US$. I found the site where fares are quoted in AU$, but there is an area that puzzles me. I called AA as I am already booked with them, but the length of time I had to hold left me frazzled, so I have it booked, but on hold. Tomorrow I will get back to it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Me, Ray, Val and Barbara

I don't know if I have posted this picture or not. It was taken about 18 months ago here at our place. Val is my school friend and I think this is a really nice picture of Barb and Ray. My niece Lucy is Barb and Ray's only # 1 is due July 1. I hear she is doing very well. Lucy has always been very very slim and with pregnancy she has put on weight all over.....the pregnancy 'glow' applies to her so I've heard. Less than three months to go ! Lovely....another dear little person waiting to join us. We will simply have to make a trip down south to help welcome him/her.
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Monday, March 30, 2009

It's fun being a girl

Rachel did a great job applying false fingernails last time she was here.

I had a lovely long chat with her yesterday. She has gone on a camp with a group from school to Philip Island where they are camping in tents for two nights and in a bunk house for three nights. The weather is still warm in Melbourne so she will have a great time. She is such a gorgeous girl......her teachers gave her raves this term.

Stu has recovered from his bike accident and is back at work altho he does a lot of it from home which makes it great for their family. Pam will be working four days a week from the beginning of next term and with James being 14 years old now, he can come home from school and do his own thing without too many hassles....Rach will probably still need supervision the odd times that Pam or Stu can't be home at the time she gets home. Time is marching on tho. You blink and five years have gone.

I am on the count down to visiting with Glen, Christopher and Catherine. Less than ten weeks to go. I am so excited even tho the long plane trip means I will be jet lagged....who cares.....I will cope with it.

Perry is doing well enough with his left knee. The RLS is a bother. He takes Requip or Repreve as it is known some places doesn't seem to be as wonderful as it was when he first started taking it. Next month he sees the orthopaedic will be interesting to hear what he has to say as he will have a report on a C.T. scan of Perry's back which was taken about six weeks ago. So many problems can be related to ones back.....
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another blockbuster sunrise.

We seem to have been very busy lately....sort of doing nothing out of the ordinary.
Perry's checkup with his Nephrologist was EXCELLENT....discontinue the injections and iron supplement, one a day instead of what started out at four a day (which he couldn't tolerate) to two a day and now only one. His B.P. seems to be be reasonable also. This particular doctor will tell you himself ....he is one of the few who could achieve the results he has been getting so far! The guy has a huge ego and it doesn't bother me !! Usually when I encounter someone like that I can't wait to get out of their presence.
This week is round three at the dentist for Perry and same for me. Mine is to remove part of a filling and replace it. I have been 'assured' that I WILL NOT need an injection. WE SHALL SEE..... I am a total wimp.
Stuart is feeling O.K. again....still a bit banged up tho. Insurance paid out what was owing on his bike....he had only had it a short while.
I personally hope he doesn't buy does Pam, but if he really does want to buy another she won't object....who wants to be the enemy...right ???
Now that Rachel is her 'house captain'...she played a large part in a track and field meet at her school. All went very well AND...she won the race she was entered in. Go Rach.
James has almost finished a three week class that involved travelling to Melbourne each day and spending time at various art galleries, financial institutions etc. Pam said that a teacher she spoke with, told her all the guys seem to take a big step forward in their confidence and maturity levels. James is very confident, speaks clearly with a maturity level that seems a little advanced already.
Gorgeous kids.
Haven't heard from Phil for ages....I take that as a sign that all is well.
Only about ten weeks till I see Glen again. The last call I had from him was great...we are now pretty much up to date with how things are with him, Christopher and Catherine. It's not the same as face : face tho. I think I will be taken to visit the vacation house that he has a third interest in on the Colorado river.....catch a couple of Christopher's practice football games and if the timing is right maybe a game also. Glen said he is fearless....can't imagine who he takes after!
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Monday, March 16, 2009


I found this beautiful picture of our eldest grandson James and decided to put it on my blog. This was taken two years ago when he was twelve years old. The difference in him now is amazing.....he is still a very handsome boy (I think !)....but this one shows his lovely warm personality...whereas now....definitely not cool to look so sweet and angelic. I can hardly wait to see Glen's son Christopher on June 3. He will be this age on July 4.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I can't find a more recent picture of Stuart. This was taken Christmas before last and the little one is his sisters' daughter.
Pam called a few days ago to tell us Stu had had an accident on his motorcycle, but was O.K. He and several friends had planned a rode trip all over Tasmania and three hours into the trip Stuart had pulled off the road at a pre determined stop.....thought he had carefully checked to see if it was safe to get back on the wasn't safe. A car pulling a caravan clipped him resulting in Stuart being tossed off his bike and ending up in hospital. He has a broken hand and a lot of leg swelled up and now that he is back on the mainland and has been home for a few days, the swelling has settled down some. He will have xrays taken to make sure his leg isn't broken.
He was completely at fault and thankfully he is 'o.k.'. The bike is trashed, but was fully insured....Pam really doesn't want him to buy another. He is a very responsible rider...wears all the padded gear, as well as all leather outer clothing and of course a helmet.
I called him last night to see how he is feeling and he sounded fine....just very thankful that nothing worse happened.
How suddenly things can go from ..... a wonderful trip with friends to....'thank god I'm alive and fine'. Pam and Stu have been married almost 18 ? years now...he will be 44 in June.
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Friday, March 6, 2009

Our shipmates

L. to R. above....Perry, Brian and Frank. Front, Barbara and Barbara ! A waiter took this picture for us on our final night at sea, February 13. I have heard from Barbara (of Barbara and Brian) twice since we arrived home. We will hook up with them again in April when we are headed to Tweed Heads with the RSL bowling club and Barbara and Brian will drive up from their home which is a short drive further south of T.H. Can't wait to play on the greens at this particular club as it is indoor on a synthetic surface. Many championships are played there each year and are televised. It always looks so beautiful to watch as it is a fast green and you have to be deadly accurate. Wednesday we played a variation of the game called 2 4 2 which is played in pairs. We got thrashed .... the same as we were the week before, is excellent practise for beginners as everyone gets to play the three positions that are played in most games. You get to set the 'the head' as lead, then improve the setting as a second and as a skipper...or get to show your talent, or lack of it by rolling the last two bowls and attempting to gather as many points as possible due to your former preparation. Sounds complicated, but it isn't. The weather has been quite hot and humid which wiped both of us out physically after playing for three hours with a fifteen minute break midway. I have drunk so much water these past few weeks that I feel as though my kidneys are getting a mega workout.
Perry is still hanging on to the cold which turned into bronchitis.....much better tho. Thankfully.
We left our house a little earlier than usual on Wednesday to allow time for me to mail tee shirt souvenirs to the grandchildren.....backed out of the parking space outside the post office.....uh oh....a flat front tire. Perry nursed it across the parking area into a space at the gas station . As he turned the wheel to back in...the tire came off the rim ! Called the RACQ for help...they got there in ten minutes after saying we would have to wait anything up to an hour....during our wait a 'young'.....(40's) guy came up and asked if he could help. Very nice feeling....people here are very helpful and friendly. day. Perry had to visit the dentist then get two new tires fitted and then later that front brakes. Two big days ! While waiting on the brake job we cruised the Morayfield Mall where...naturally I snagged a couple of bargains. Nice white 3/4 cuffed pants and a really nice white on white see thru short sleeved blouse. Not going to buy anymore pants tho as I have lost more weight than I gained on the cruise and I am going to try and get another chunk off. It creeps up so easily and is so hard to go down. No one tells you this is how it is going to be for most of us as we get into middle and old age. I was able to eat anything and everything up until about the age of 45....then....what in the hell happens ?????? These days so many young people are terribly's frightening.
Long post....I do ramble on sometimes.
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Monday, March 2, 2009

At long last......

This was taken almost six years ago. My then 36 year old 'baby' 42...still my beautiful baby boy Glen.
I will be visiting him, my gorgeous grandson Christopher and Glen's partner Catherine whom I will be meeting for the first time.
Air fares are so cheap right now, but insurance and the short hop from L.A. to San Diego isn't so friendly.....still....
hurry up June 3! I will be going alone as Perry just can't visit for that long without being independent. I think the long flight will be quite a test for me....a bit too much for Perry at this time. Maybe next year.
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Monday, February 23, 2009

More scenes of Taieri Gorge

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Dunedin Railway Station

I'm on a roll here......this is the train station where we left from on our memorable train ride thru Taieri Gorge....again, we did not take this picture.
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